- Studies in Social and Science Education
- Management Education
- Teaching & Learning
- Education
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Technology
- Language Education
- Philosophy of Education
- Religious Education- Al-Quran Studies
- Hadith Studies
- Islamic Law and Politics
- Islamic Education
- Islamic Thought
- Islamic Social and Culture.
- Islamic Studies
- Learning of Islamic Education, which includes materials, curriculums, methods, strategies, media, design, psychology, and evaluation;
- Learning content of Islamic Education includes learning of al-Qur'an Hadith, Akidah Akhlak, Fiqh, and History of Islamic Culture;
- Science integration in learning of Islamic Education.
- Fundamentals of Islamic education (philosophy, history and the nature of Islamic education),
- Development of Islamic educational institutions (development of Islamic education curriculum, Islamic learning method and Islamic education teacher and others)
- Studies of the concept of Islamic education (Islamic educational leading figure, Quran sunnah text, and others).